软件架构基础 Fundamentals of Software Architecture填补了软件架构师培养领域的空白,为有抱负和现职的架构师提供了宝贵的指导和全面的视野,这本书深入探讨了架构的各个方面,包括架构特征、模式、组件的识别、架构图的绘制与展现,以及架构的演进等关键主题,通过阅读,读者将获得构建稳健、可扩展和高效软件系统所需的知识体系,该书不仅是架构师职业发展路径上的一盏明灯,也是软件开发领域内任何人士理解和实践软件架构精髓的重要资源,让软件架构基础成为您踏上或继续软件架构之旅的信任伴侣,开启对软件建筑之美的探索。
- 1. Preface: Invalidating Axioms
- 2.1. Introduction
- 3. I. Foundaions
- 4.2. Architectural Thinking
- 5.3. Modularity
- 6.4. Architecture Characteristics Defined
- 7. 5. Identifying Architectural Characteristies
- 8.6. Measuring and Goverming, Architecture Characteristics#
- 9. 7- Socope of Architecture Characteristics
- 10.8. Component-Based Thinking
- 11. II. Architecture Styles
- 12.9. Foundations
- 13.10. Layered Architecture Style
- 14.11. Pipeline Architecture Style
- 15- 12. Microkernel Architecture Style
- 16.13- Service-Based Architecture Style
- 17.14. Event-Driven Architecture Style
- 18.15. Space- Based Architecture Style
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