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Professional C#7 and .NET Core 2.0

Professional C#7 and .NET Core 2.0

  • 更新:2020-05-28
  • 大小:37.4 MB
  • 类别:C#
  • 作者:Nagel,、Christian
  • 出版:外文出版社
  • 版本:PDF 第11版


  • 资源介绍
  • 相关推荐

C#高级编程出第11版了,目前只有英文原版,名字叫做Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0,中文版预计19年下半年出版。高级编程(Professional)系列写得非常详细,适合希望对代码和原理有深入研究的人阅读。


Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0为有经验的程序员提供了他们需要与世界领先的编程语言有效合作的信息。最新的C语言更新增加了许多新的特性,帮助你在更短的时间内完成更多的工作,这本书是你快速入门的理想指南。C# 7重点关注数据消耗、代码简化和性能,对本地函数、元组类型、记录类型、模式匹配、非可空引用类型、不可变类型以及更好地支持变量提供了新的支持。VisualStudio的改进将给C开发人员与空间交互的方式带来重大改变,将.NET引入非微软平台,并将工具从诸如Docker、GULP和NPM等其他平台结合起来。在一个领先的.NET专家的指导下,沉浸在真实的实用性中,这个指南旨在让你跟上时代并回到工作中去。

本书首先简要介绍了C# 7 和 .NET Core 2.0的最新特性,然后继续解释如何使用面向对象的范例来实现C# 7。您将学习使用实体框架与关系数据一起工作,并了解如何实际使用ASP.NET核心。本书将向您展示.NETCype如何允许跨平台应用程序的创建。


这个基于项目的指南使用实际的应用来证明这些概念。在本书的末尾,您将熟练地使用.NETCype 2开发应用程序。

.NET Core is a general purpose, modular, cross-platform, and open source implementation of .NET. With the latest release of .NET Core, many more APIs are expected to show up, which will make APIs consistent across .Net Framework, .NET Core, and Xamarin. This step-by-step guide will teach you the essential .NET Core and C# concepts with the help of real-world projects.

The book starts with a brief introduction to the latest features of C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 before moving on to explain how C# 7 can be implemented using the object-oriented paradigm. You'll learn to work with relational data using Entity Framework and see how to use ASP.NET Core practically. This book will show you how .NET Core allows the creations of cross-platform applications.

You'll also learn about SignalR to add real-time functionality to your application. Then you will see how to use MongoDB and how to implement MongoDB into your applications. You'll learn about serverless computing and OAuth concepts, along with running ASP.NET Core applications with Docker Compose.

This project-based guide uses practical applications to demonstrate these concepts. By the end of the book, you'll be proficient in developing applications using .NET Core 2.0.


  • eBook Manager and Catalog App
  • Cricket Score Calculator and Tracker
  • Cross Platform .NET Core System Info Manager
  • Task Bug logging ASP .NET Core MVC app
  • ASP.NET SignalR Chat Application
  • Web Research Tool with Entity Framework Core
  • A Serverless email validation Azure Function
  • Twitter Clone using Oauth
  • Using Docker and ASP.NET Core

