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Mastering Go 3rd Edition(玩转GO第3版) 英文epub翻译版

Mastering Go 3rd Edition(玩转GO第3版) 英文epub翻译版

  • 更新:2023-10-27
  • 大小:5.5 MB
  • 类别:Mastering Go
  • 作者:Tsoukalos
  • 出版:Packt Publishing
  • 版本:PDF 清晰完整版


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Mastering Go 3rd Edition (玩转GO第3版) 英文epub翻译版 is a comprehensive guide that aims to help readers master the key features of the Go programming language. With a focus on practical applications, this book covers advanced concepts such as concurrency and the use of JSON to create and optimize real-world services, network servers, and clients. Known for its simplicity and clear principles, Go is considered the language of the future for high-performance systems. Mastering Go demonstrates how to effectively utilize Go in production systems. This new edition has been updated to include topics such as creating RESTful servers and clients, understanding Go generics, and developing gRPC servers and clients. The third edition of Mastering Go explores the capabilities of Go in practical scenarios. Readers will gain confidence in advanced concepts, including concurrency and the operation of the Go garbage collector. This book also delves into integrating Go with documentation, providing valuable insights into managing and optimizing Go projects. Overall, Mastering Go 3rd Edition is a valuable resource for programmers looking to enhance their Go skills and leverage the language's power for developing high-performance systems. With its comprehensive coverage and practical approach, this book is a must-have for anyone serious about mastering the Go programming language.

Mastering Go第三版:掌握 Go的主要功能,包括并发和使用 JSON 等高级概念,以创建和优化现实世界的服务、网络服务器和客户端

由于其简单性和清晰的原则,Go是未来高性能系统的语言。Mastering Go 向您展示了如何将 Go 用于实际生产系统。此新版本已更新,包括创建 RESTful 服务器和客户端、了解 Go 泛型以及开发 gRPC 服务器和客户端等主题。

Mastering Go第三版探索Go在实践中的能力。您将对高级概念充满信心,包括并发性和 Go 垃圾收集器的操作、将 Go 与 Docker 结合使用、编写强大的命令行实用程序、使用 JavaScript 对象表示法 (JSON) 数据以及与数据库交互。您还将提高对 Go 内部结构的理解,以优化 Go 代码并以新的和意想不到的方式使用数据类型和数据结构。

