This extension will be useful for all participants of the parkrun movement: both ordinary runners, and volunteers, and administrators in social networks. This extension in a compact form adds to the site a lot of interesting statistical information about past races.
Part of the extension options:
- you can instantly learn the fastest in all age groups, and also find yourself in the list of results of your age group;
- to find out the number of parkrun newcomers (and guests of your race), as well as their names;
- see the list of personal records;
- to find out the number of participants of each gender and the average age;
- and much more...
Just install the extension and go to the results page of any parkrun race.
I plan to add the requested features to the extension, so I will be glad if you leave your feedback and suggestions.
parkrun的创始人保罗·辛曼·休伊特(Paul Sinton-Hewitt)生于津巴布韦,成长于南非,后来移居英国。他从小酷爱跑步,个人马拉松最好成绩达到了2:36。2004年,因为受伤不得不暂停跑步的休伊特感到抑郁。于是他决定组织一项活动让他和他的跑友聚在一起。2004年10月2日,在伦敦灌木公园(Bushy Park)13位跑者和3位志愿者参与了第一次"灌木公园计时跑(Bushy Park Time Trial)",这就是parkrun的雏形。这种计时跑距离为5公里,于每周六上午9点开跑。由志愿者负责用秒表计时。每位跑者有自己的条码,完成5公里后会拿到一个名次牌(Finish Tokens),然后把自己的的条码和名次牌交给另一位志愿者来扫码。这样就可以把跑者的姓名、名次和完成时间一一对应起来。然后再由志愿者把详细的结果发到官网上。