Instagram™是Instagram Inc.的商标,在美国和其他国家注册。这是一个独立的项目,没有关系的Instagram™或Instagram公司。
This very simple app allows you to access to the Instagram™ mobile website like you can do on your smartphone ?. You can upload photos from your computer ?️ to Instagram™ :)
#1 Social network is finally available in the Chrome Browser! App for Instagram is a Chrome add-on, which tweaks the Desktop Instagram version to look exactly, like the mobile app. Launch the app with an icon click, and enjoy clean, mobile app-style UI, rendered into a separate window. Never miss a photo, video or a story, upload right from your laptop - enjoy all the features of Instagram mobile app on your desktop!
Instagram™ is a trademark of Instagram Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. This is an independent project and has no relationship to Instagram™ or Instagram Inc.
像使用iPhone应用程序一样使用Instagram。App for Instagram (Support DM)
自用几款Microsoft Edge浏览器插件,超好用
电脑编辑好图片想要上传到Instagram,每次都要弄到手机上再传,觉得麻烦,然后就发现了这款扩展。支持直接留言。在浏览器中查看和上传照片。自用几款Microsoft Edge浏览器插件,超好用
应用程序的Instagram™是最简单的方式打开和检查您的Instagram页面从您的台式机器(PC, MAC或Linux)。点击工具栏按钮,在一个独立的UI中渲染Instagram。