Language Learning with Youtube BETA - YouTube语言学习插件背景
YouTube上有很多优秀的学习资源,但是Youtube经常试图向用户隐藏外国内容,这款插件由Dioco开发并且提供,是一款非常优秀的新插件,它拥有10,000+ 位用户和满分的评价。此款插件目前为止还是测试版本,因此您属于测试用户。
Language Learning with Youtube BETA完全免费,体积轻巧,它将改变您许多和语言学习有关的事情,让您非常愉快地使用YouTube进行语言学习。
Language Learning with Youtube BETA - YouTube语言学习插件介绍
Language Learning with Youtube BETA是一款可以帮助谷歌浏览器用户使用Youtube BETA进行语言学习,通过观看所学习语言的视频来有效愉快地提高自己的技能的Chrome浏览器插件。
Language Learning with Youtube BETA - YouTube语言学习插件功能
用户通过下载安装Language Learning with Youtube BETA插件,通过观看所学习语言的视频,可以有效,愉快地提高自己的技能。
某些搜索仍会有点语言歧义(例如,如果您搜索“巴西”)。在这种情况下,您可以将Youtube UI语言更改为您正在学习的语言。
There are many excellent learning resources on YouTube, but Youtube often tries to hide foreign content from users. This plugin is developed and provided by Dioco. It is a very good new plugin. It has 10,000+ users and a perfect score. This plugin is still a beta version so you are a beta user.
Language Learning with Youtube BETA is completely free and lightweight, it will change many of your things related to language learning, making you very happy to use YouTube for language learning.
######## Features ########
Improve your skills on your own, effectively and enjoyably, by watching videos in the language you study.
Initial version. Expect some issues.
For a full overview please take a look at the FAQ or just install this extension. ;)
Thanks for using Language Learning with Youtube BETA. :)
########## Bugs ##########
Please DON'T report bugs by a review, BUT HERE:
- languagelearningextension@gmail.com
Language Learning with Youtube BETA 插件是一款让你在YouTube 上学习外语的学习插件,支持多语种。