易用性。快速、轻松地安装超Adblock和你完成。只需安装超Adblock铬,打开一个浏览器,激活Adblock Plus,你永远不会再看到恼人的广告。
Ultra Adblock is a free cross-platform browser extension for filtering content, including ad blocking.The Ultra Adblock extension allows you to browse the web without ads and see only the information that really matters to you. The extension blocks ads, banners, video ads, pop-ups.
Ease of use. Quickly and easily install Ultra Adblock and you're done. Just install Ultra Adblock for Chrom, open a browser, activate Adblock Plus and you will never see annoying ads again.
Ultra Adblock Features:
- Block pop-ups, ads, and annoying banner ads and video ads!
- Adblock blocks annoying ads of all kinds
- Block third-party trackers and protect your privacy
- Feel safe while surfing the Internet - no more intrusive ads containing malware scammers and crypto miners
- Increase page loading speed - enjoy fast internet