随着版权意识逐渐加强,steam的国内玩家人数逐渐增加,购买游戏的力度常常居高不下。steam平台游戏很多,如何能够在最低价格购入自己心仪的游戏成为许多玩家关心的问题,所以就出现了许多Steam插件,我们今天要介绍的这款Enhanced Steam插件就是你居家必备steam游戏折扣助手,为Steam网站添加许多新功能
Enhanced Steam是Google Chrome,Mozilla Firefox,Opera和Microsoft Edge 的免费开源浏览器扩展功能,它为Steam网站添加了大量新功能。 如果您是Steam上的常客,您不会想错过这些新功能!Enhanced Steam已经加强了Steam商店和社区,帮助您随时了解,添加新功能,并节省您的资金!自定充值价格、查看游戏全球价格和历史最低价、市场和steam的消费总计、卡牌徽章相关等
- *突出显示您已拥有的游戏
- *在您的心愿单上突出显示游戏
- *根据您已拥有的游戏,正确计算捆绑折扣
- *在您的帐户的一生中显示您在Steam上花了多少钱
- *突出显示您在游戏页面上拥有的DLC
- *在任何游戏或DLC的愿望清单上修正“无图像”游戏图标
Enhanced Steam is an Extension for Google Chrome that adds many new features to the Steam website.
Features include:
* Highlighting games you already own
* Highlighting games on your wishlist
* Correctly calculating bundle discounts based on games you already own
* Showing you how much money you've spent on Steam for the lifetime of your account
* Highlighting DLC you own on a game page
* Fixing "No Image Available" game icons on your wishlist for any game or DLC
This extension will not allow you to play Steam games on a Google Chromebook. This extension only changes and adds features to the Steam website when browsing with Chrome.
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